"Let's do all we can for good luck."
Thank you to the world for allowing us to live. I love you too. We also wish that the world could last forever.
The number of people who came to live here on earth is increasing. The rise of human food and equipment is causing widespread environmental damage. In addition, human greed and greed abound. Lack of knowledge; Due to reckless transgressions, the world is slowly becoming a balance and becoming ill. Of the many living species that depend on this world, only human beings can do the damage to the earth, and only humans can do it.
Global warming; Air Water Only a few people who love the world and the environment who can't watch the pollution are going to cure the world, To save, There are many ways to extend life span. Teach people how to live their lives in a way that does not harm the world, and educate people to take action and stay active. Publications are underway.
To restore the world, it is necessary to cover the earth with man-made forests, which cover a wide range of topics, before the arrival of humans, and systematically to do things that could be detrimental. Only then will the air. Water Earth's equilibrium will fall, and global warming will decline. All of the creatures that depend on the earth will be able to live in peace. Those who know this deeply know that the earth's greenery, individually and individually, is the key to success. Community They are working with the organization.
All the people and living things that are now
Within decades, we would have to leave the earth. We want to give this world a glimpse into the hands of the new generation. If the decaying world were left in the hands of a new generation, it would be difficult for future generations and living beings to survive.
Therefore, it is necessary to repay the earth as much as it deserves without damaging it. It is a "happy blessing", so let's do what we can for environmental protection.
Thet tant Kyaw (The Irrawaddy)
(It is a personal article)